Sunday, May 9, 2010

hantaran bertunang

I knew Awin since my childhood days.. and we met again in Facebook.. alhamdulillah..
the earliest msg from awin was about cupcakes, how long should and order being place.. and by then she didnt tell me that she'll get engage..
then, Awin PM me again..
she said..'Marina, i nak order 2 sets of cupcakes, but theme, and color i will confirm it with u once im in KL..'
then i said..'okie, thanks vm.. btw untuk event apa ya?'
Nan..'owh.. whose? urs ke?.. (tapi tak ada jawapan..) then i said again..' takkan la erin..'
Awin..'saya laa yang akan bertunang..'

whoaaa.. Congratulations.. I'm happy for u win.. and, thanks very2 much for ur support
towards my lil business.. i really2 appreciate it.. again, Thanks, and Congratulation to Awin N Azmi..


  1. my mom n aunties yg beriya2 kate your cake(opps, mine n azmi's la kan)is so sweet.well,definately,mmg pon!!TQVM marina!!

    tp sedih i x dpt rs la..hoho!

  2. thanks vm awin.. really appreciate ur order.. alaa, hari tu tak sempat nak jumpa, insyaallah, bila u balik nanti will give u some to try ok.. insyaallah..

    thanks again dearie..
